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Welcome to the Homepage for the RFCS project REBECCA.

What is REBECCA?

REBECCA aims to improve the sustainability and economics of existing coal-fired fluidized bed power plants by retrofitting these boilers by means of substitution of coal by waste-derived fuels and integration of CO2 capture technology, while maximizing the efficiency, availability, and load flexibility of the power plant

Project consotrium?

The REBECCA consortium, consisting of seven international members, incluing universities, research centers and industrial partners will improve the sustainability of exisitng coal-fired fluidized bed power plants. The improvements are implemented by utilization of waste-derived fuels and CO2 capture technolgy while maximizing the efficiency and load flexibility of the boilder.

What is the work outline?

Throughout the REBECCA project, five different work packages will be conducted. Within the first work package, retrofit concepts for the utilization of waste-derived fuels, for oxygen carrier aided combustion, for oxyfuel combustion and for chemical looping will be developed. During the second work package, the concepts developed will be tested in a 1 MWth pilot plant. A scale-up will be done in the third work package, where tests will be perfomed in commercial boilers. Work package four will develop 1.5-D dynamic fluidized bed models and 3-D CFD models for fluidized bed (FB) reactors. The data gained in package three will be used to validate and enhance the models. In the last work package, multi-level impact assessments will be perfomed with a focus on risk assessment, environmental assessment, techno-economic assessment and socio-economic assesment.

Additional information:

Further information on the REBECCA project and the associated technologies for the individual process steps can be found under Concept, while the latest project developments can be found under Project Progress.

We hope you enjoy browsing the REBECCA website. Please feel free to contact us, in case you have any questions.